Unable to start Kinesis agent


when I try to start kinesis agent, sudo service aws-kinesis-agent start. Received below error.

Job for aws-kinesis-agent.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status aws-kinesis-agent.service" and "journalctl -xeu aws-kinesis-agent.service" for details.

where do I check the error logs. Please help in resolving this.

질문됨 8달 전372회 조회
1개 답변
수락된 답변

Hello Theerthendra,

Please check the following file location where the agent activity is logged: "/var/log/aws-kinesis-agent/aws-kinesis-agent.log"

This is the default location for the Kinesis agent logs, but it may vary depending on your specific deployment. here

Something to note is making sure the Prerequisites are completed before installing the agent.

Please share a sanitized details of the logs once you have it to give us more insight.

답변함 7달 전
  • Thanks for the inputs, actually it worked now. There was a typo in my script, so couldn't able to restart agent.

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