Is there any way to register svc into cloudmap service?



I have EKS pod provide some api, and now want to register pod into cloudmap service, is there any way to register pod into cloudmap service automatically?

For example, if the node is changed, we still can call these apis through cloudmap service.

It is better that not using app mesh.

Thanks, Mingtong

1개 답변

There is a way to automatically register an EKS Pod with AWS CloudMap without using App Mesh. You can leverage the service discovery feature of AWS CloudMap. One approach is to integrate Kubernetes’s ExternalName service with CloudMap, allowing the Pod’s IP address to be registered in CloudMap.

AWS offers a controller for integrating EKS with CloudMap, which automatically registers Pods with CloudMap whenever they are created or modified. By installing and configuring this controller, you ensure stable API access through CloudMap even when nodes change.

답변함 3달 전
  • thank you very much for your answer, could you provide the name or link about AWS offering controller for integrating EKS with CloudMap?

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