AWS CLI Delete Multiple IAM Roles


HI Everyone,

Below is the AWS CLI command to delete an IAM role.

aws iam delete-role --role-name Test-Role

I need to delete multiple IAM roles using AWS CLI. Is there any AWS CLI command I can use to delete multiple roles at once?

1개 답변
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Hey @tausif no there isn't a means to do this natively with AWS CLI.

However dependent on which OS you are running you can run a quick powershell script or linux bash script to perform the same.

Example for bash could start off with gathering those roles that you list all cleaned up by performing something like this aws iam list-roles | jq -r '.Roles[] | "\(.RoleName)"'

jq is an additional package I use for dealing with json outputs.

Let me know if you have any issues with this, or if it helps you then please accept my answer after you've tried it out - it would be much appreciated! Good luck :)

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