EventBridge Scheduler fails on ECS RunTask with Fargate launch type


When defining the Compute Options on a RunTask call with: Launch type - "FARGATE", Platform Version: "1.4.0" - it seems that only the Platform Version is passed onto the "requestParameters" thus triggering the following error message: "The platform version must be null when specifying an EC2 launch type."

Screenshot from Eventbridge Scheduler: Enter image description here

Screenshot from the output in CloudTrail: Enter image description here

I have successfully triggered and run this task from an EventBridge rule

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I have verified this in my environment and detected the same error, and looking at the CloudTrail logs, it seems that the launchType is not reflected in the RequestParameters.

The part of the EventBridge Scheduler that is passed in JSON is the part that sets the TaskOverride parameter when I looked into it. I don't think there is anything we can do about it.

Give feedback to AWS support if possible.

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답변함 2년 전
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검토됨 6달 전

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