Problem with sending emails through port 587 on a lightsail, ubuntu instance with plesk.


I have a plesk running on an amazon lightsail ubuntu. The issue is the following, I know that port 25 is blocked. I contacted them to enable it, but they told me I had to connect through amazon ses. Since I was denied to open port 25, I then asked if port 587 was open and working. They told me yes. How can I make all my outgoing emails then go through port 587 in Plesk?

질문됨 일 년 전771회 조회
2개 답변


To configure Amazon SES SMTP authentication information, etc., follow the steps in the document below.

Once you have created SMTP authentication information, you will be able to send emails by registering the port number, SMTP endpoint, and SMTP authentication information from the plesk screen.

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답변함 일 년 전

I am also experiencing the same issue. I host a website on Lightsail and have setup couple of email addresses for my business purposes on my Plesk control panel. I can receive mails. But unfortunately cannot send mails from those addresses due to port 25 being blocked.

Is there a way to do it with Amazon SES? or any other alternative service like Sendgrid? Anybody who have successfully setup sending emails, please share your advice! It would help thousands of people like me

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