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RDS Zero ETL support Change data capture (CDC) or no


RDS Zero ETL support Change data capture (CDC) or no when replicate to AWS Redshift

1개 답변
수락된 답변


Yes, data changes are replicated in almost real-time like other CDC solution: see.

An Amazon RDS zero-ETL integration with Amazon Redshift enables near real-time analytics
and machine learning (ML) using Amazon Redshift on petabytes of transactional data from RDS. 
It's a fully managed solution for making transactional data available in Amazon Redshift after it 
is written to an RDS database. Extract, transform, and load (ETL) is the process of combining data 
from multiple sources into a large, central data warehouse.

A zero-ETL integration makes the data in your RDS database available in Amazon Redshift in near real-time.



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