Does Generating a Pre-Signed URL Using AWS SDK v3 Make a Network Request to AWS?


Hello AWS Community,

I'm currently using Rails application, along with AWS SDK version 3 to manage file uploads and access. I need to generate pre-signed URLs for accessing objects in my S3 bucket.

I understand that pre-signed URLs allow temporary access to objects without sharing credentials, but I am unclear about the process of generating these URLs. Specifically, I have the following questions:

  1. Does the process of generating a pre-signed URL using the AWS SDK (v3) make a network request to AWS, or is it performed entirely on the client-side?
  2. Are there any costs associated with generating pre-signed URLs?

From my understanding, the AWS SDK should generate the URL locally, but I want to confirm this. Additional insights on how asw sdk handles this process would be highly appreciated.

Additional Information: Rails Application: Using Active Storage for file uploads. AWS SDK Version: 3. Objective: Generate pre-signed URLs for secure and temporary access to S3 objects. References to official AWS documentation or other reliable sources would be helpful.

Thank you for your assistance!

질문됨 4달 전185회 조회
1개 답변

Generating the pre-signed URL is an API call to AWS. It has to request the pre-signed URL and verify the permissions to the object in S3. The pre-signed URL gets the same permissions to the object as the user creating the pre-signed URL has.

This medium article walks through the process:

Hope this helps.

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