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Incremental Backup of AWS Workmail


Hello guys,

Is there a possibility for incremental backup of AWS Workmail mailboxes to S3 or to a on prem share?

Thank you for your time.

질문됨 7달 전215회 조회
2개 답변


No, AWS WorkMail itself doesn't offer built-in functionality for incremental backups to S3 or an on-premises share. However, you can achieve incremental backups using:

Third-party tools: These tools offer features like incremental backups, selective backups, and secure storage. Some popular options include:

Automate Additional references:

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답변함 7달 전
검토됨 7달 전
profile pictureAWS
검토됨 7달 전

Hello and thank you for your answer.

Could you suggest which solution is best for incremental backup and if needed - restore of certain e-mails from the backup to WorkMail?

Also, I am looking for an automated solution, which can do an incremental backup of 40 users to a single on- prem VM instance, which is running for example nfs/samba...

If this solution support an incremental backup directly to S3 will be a good feature...

답변함 7달 전

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