Athena unable to query


Hi team, please i need you help. I kept getting this road block. I am trying to query a table from CURs report in an S3 bucket via athena and i got this error.

TABLE_NOT_FOUND: line 6:7: Table 'awsdatacatalog.athenacurcfn_kubecost_cur_report_definition.systemlake_kubecost_integration' does not exist
This query ran against the "athenacurcfn_kubecost_cur_report_definition" database, unless qualified by the query. 

I will appreciate a prompt answer. many thanks

질문됨 6달 전275회 조회
3개 답변


Does the specified table in the database "athenacurcfn_kubecost_cur_report_definition" exist?
Is it possible that the specified database or table is incorrect?

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답변함 6달 전

That is currently where i got confused, apparently Athena has created and renamed the table by itself

답변함 6달 전

When I experienced this issue in the past, it was mostly because there weren't enough permissions like - "glue:GetDatabases","glue:GetTables","glue:GetTable", "glue:GetPartitions". It could be a permission issue.

답변함 6달 전

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