FSX OpenZFS slow volume creation


Hello everyone,

I have the following problem. I have AWS EKS cluster and I have installed aws-fsx-csi-driver and created FSx OpenZFS filesystem. My EKS StorageClass has following parameters:

  • kind: StorageClass
  • apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
  • metadata:
  • name: fsx-openzfs-delete
  • provisioner: fsx.openzfs.csi.aws.com
  • parameters:
  • ResourceType: "volume"
  • ParentVolumeId: '"fsvol-XXXXXXXXXXX"'
  • DataCompressionType: '"LZ4"'
  • ReadOnly: 'false'
  • RecordSizeKiB: '128'
  • StorageCapacityReservationGiB: '1'
  • StorageCapacityQuotaGiB: '-1'
  • reclaimPolicy: Delete
  • allowVolumeExpansion: true
  • mountOptions:
    • nfsvers=4.1
    • rsize=1048576
    • wsize=1048576
    • timeo=600
    • nconnect=16

wich creates Volumes inside this filesystem. Unfortunatelly the creation of the volumes when I apply PersistentVolumeClaim is very slow. It tooks around minute to create a volume. And when I need to create several, 5 or 6, volumes it tooks too much time for the creation of all of them. In addition the creation of the volumes is not paralel but sequential - one after another. This problem brakes very often my deploys.

How I can speed up volume creation if not with speed like GP2 Volumes but at least to be 2-3 times faster?


질문됨 일 년 전77회 조회
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