AWS Rekognition to SNS


Hello, I have set up Kinesis Video - Kinesis Data Streams with Rekognition so that a face that is shown in front of my webcam is compared to a picture that I have uploaded into S3.

I can see from the "data preview" within a record in Kinesis data streams that a face is recognized as desired, but I would like to make it so that if a certain face is detected (via faceID), an alert is sent via SNS regarding the payload of the record that is shown in Kinesis data streams.

I believe that this can be done via Eventbridge pipes but I am not sure how to get the correct filter set up. I would like to set it up so that when a record is found with the FaceID as shown below, then send an email via SNS with the record below:


"InputInformation": {

"KinesisVideo": {

"StreamArn": "arn:aws:kinesisvideo:us-east-1:237434669218:stream/kaldi/1695283330882",

"FragmentNumber": "91343852333181620708120838749119373902959965155",

"ServerTimestamp": 1695613363.46,

"ProducerTimestamp": 1695613358.782,

"FrameOffsetInSeconds": 0.9739999771118164



"StreamProcessorInformation": {

 "Status": "RUNNING"


"FaceSearchResponse": [


  "DetectedFace": {
    "BoundingBox": {
       "Height": 0.24642423,
    "Width": 0.15441418,
    "Left": 0.4637209,
      "Top": 0.3429617
  "Confidence": 99.99462,
"Landmarks": [
  "X": 0.5266707,
 "Y": 0.44316232,
    "Type": "eyeLeft"



                    "X": 0.58807695,

                    "Y": 0.43760425,

                    "Type": "eyeRight"



                    "X": 0.53079176,

                    "Y": 0.5369772,

                    "Type": "mouthLeft"



                    "X": 0.582353,

                    "Y": 0.53203446,

                    "Type": "mouthRight"



                    "X": 0.5700108,

                    "Y": 0.50527626,

                    "Type": "nose"



            "Pose": {

                "Pitch": -24.09738,

                "Roll": -4.106561,

                "Yaw": 16.596313


            "Quality": {

                "Brightness": 78.15648,

                "Sharpness": 20.92731



        "MatchedFaces": [


                "Similarity": 99.984825,

                "Face": {

                    "BoundingBox": {

                        "Height": 0.445171,

                        "Width": 0.419821,

                        "Left": 0.308388,

                        "Top": 0.16587


                    "FaceId": "5dbbfa77-98a4-4932-ac91-c0fad800e0c6",

                    "Confidence": 99.9999,

                    "ImageId": "fbf8786d-917c-3b9a-aa9c-2b43537d6446"







1개 답변
수락된 답변

Hi John,

You can follow this blog post to create a similar pattern to notify via SNS:

Especially, look at the CloudFormation template provided to understand the resources and configuration clearly. A similar template is posted here, just for your reference:

Please let me know if this is what you're looking for.


profile picture
답변함 9달 전
  • Hey thank you for responding! I was able to look at that guide and actually get it working but lambda function is not what I thought it would be. If I stay in the frame for like a few minutes it keeps sending me an email continuously and says that it detected 100 matching faces. I guess this is something that I need to look into.

    Thank you

  • I am glad that it worked for you! Regarding the email spam issue, you can modify the logic to detect unique faces within a given timeframe, and avoid sending multiple notifications.

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