SSH keys for CPanel / WHM on Lightsail Instance


Please where can I get SSH keys for Cpanel WHM on Lightsail Instance? I am connecting using Filezilla. I could get SSH keys for Alma Linux and connect but could not access Cpanel files (/home/myfolder). I also tried Generating SSH keys from Cpanel itself but that didnt work...with error .."the connection refused our key". Thank you

질문됨 4달 전117회 조회
1개 답변


Connect to Alma Linux with SSH.
After connecting via SSH, try setting the connected Linux user to belong to the same group as "/home/myfolder".

sudo usermod -aG <Owning group name of "/home/myfolder"> <Linux-User>

It may be better to ask your question on cPanel's support forum rather than on re:Post.

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답변함 4달 전

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