Usage of AWS Product Diagrams for Training content


I'm seeking clarification on the usage permissions for AWS product images and diagrams, for example - I plan to use these diagrams in the training content and presentations i am preparing for teaching on AWS certifications. Are AWS product diagrams available for use in training materials, and if so, what are the guidelines for their usage? I want to ensure that I comply with AWS's terms of use and branding policies. Any insights or references to official guidelines would be greatly appreciated. Note that i will not edit the diagrams. Thank you!

1개 답변

These diagrams are integral components of the AWS trademark or design assets. Therefore, it's advisable to review the Trademark Guidelines and AWS Co-Marketing resources. Additionally, I've noticed that some AWS community educators include official assets such as diagrams, websites, and images in their AWS preparation courses.

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검토됨 6달 전

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