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AWS Athena column values mismatch


I have uploaded two separate csv files (just to check the query results) with the tables in the right order and values in S3, but everytime I run the crawler and view the individual table data in Athena, I get query results with the values of column A showing up in Column B or other columns, while some columns are empty.

질문됨 일 년 전520회 조회
1개 답변
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I have tested your instance by uploading the query results csv files to S3 and run crawler it to create a table, then I am able to query the table and see the values in the right columns. Please feel free to let me know if I did not understand your use case correctly.

Could you try to change the non string data type column to String and change the SerDe to OpenCSVSerDe ? You can do this by going to Glue console,

  1. choose the tables => select the created table => Actions => Edit table => org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.OpenCSVSerde in Serialization lib.
  2. choose the tables => select the created table => Actions => Edit schema => Edit the column with non string data type to string.
  3. Please make sure that the table location does not have any other files than your csv files

Please try the above steps. If the issue persists, we require details that are non-public information, so please open a support case with AWS using the following link.

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검토됨 일 년 전
  • Great, it worked thank you.

    Now that I changed all columns to string, how do I query the columns that were 'date' and 'bigint' data type in Athena?

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