CloudTrail global service events vs regional events


Hi community, as the title says I came across some events when I was searching for some events in my CloudTrail event history and today I learned that IAM events go us-east-1 by default.

My aim was to write a boto3 script with filtering and fetching certain events related to resources, but I can't define a session region solely based on an idea. Is there somewhere I can find a full list of services or events that are defaulted to us-east-1 or another region? I saw this page about the concept, but it doesn't specifically tell which events are under which category.

While it may be simple for IAM where all events are global; I also saw that under KMS or Route53, there are both global and regional events which makes this even more complicated to decide on service directly.

I'd be grateful if someone could point me to resources that can help with these or anything such. If anyone faced this and compiled a list that would absolutely be mind-blowing.

질문됨 일 년 전627회 조회
1개 답변

Could not find an official list from AWS. This blog outlines a good list:

In general, to verify whether a service is global or not, go to your Management Console, select the service that you want, and see if the Region says Global.

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