MQTT to Dynamo DB


We have a Thing that is receiving data from and ESP32, we then want to send that data to Dynamo DB.

We've created a table, rules and policies that all worked for about 3 days and then stopped. Every now and then it works for an item or two, but very rarely. We've checked through all the policies and rules and table settings, comparing to online tutorials, but nothing has helped.

We have also created a whole new ESP -> MQTT -> Dynamo Thing set and that doesn't work at all.

We can connect, send and receive through the MQTT as well as send the data to S3.

Has anyone else experienced this, and/or knows what we should be looking at next

  • Can you share more information? The DynamoDB table schema, the rule etc??

  • Did you enabled logging for AWS IoT Core? When the rule execution fails, you should be able to find the reason in the CloudWatch logs.

질문됨 6달 전247회 조회
1개 답변

Aha! Turns out we were overloading the IAM role 'device-dynamodb' with too many policies (max 10 per role).

We've gotten a better understanding of roles and policies, and editing the "Resource" JSON in policies to organise everything.

We've created new tables and better naming conventions for everything and all seems to be working (6 hours run so far and all good).

I'll update this thread with results when possible (if all goes well over the weekend, I'll consider it all a success).

답변함 6달 전

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