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Cannot modify the instance class because there are not enough availability



I am getting the following message when I try to upgrade by db.t2.small instance to a db.t3.small in the Sydney zone.

Cannot modify the instance class because there are not enough availability zones that have the requested instance class. Please try your request again at a later time. (Service: AmazonRDS; Status Code: 400; Error Code: InsufficientDBInstanceCapacity; Request ID: 371ac3cf-edd8-4308-8f3b-0279a15fb539)

Does anyone know why this is ? I tried it a couple of times over a couple of days.

1개 답변
수락된 답변

Had the same issue in eu-central-1 (Frankfurt). Could not launch a m5 instance. Nothing you can do. Try again at a later time. Maybe it helps to raise the issue through your support channel or give feedback on the site.

답변함 6년 전
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검토됨 5달 전

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