400 Bad Request when querying from AWS Managed Prometheus


I am trying to query for metrics from my AWS Managed prometheus. I am using the query_range API from https://docs.aws.amazon.com/prometheus/latest/userguide/AMP-APIReference.html#AMP-APIReference-Prometheus-Compatible-Apis

The call to get the metrics works fine if I use awscurl but if I use either postman (with their in-built AWS Sigv4 auth) or try to use SigV4 auth and query from my java code base, I always get a 400 bad request with no other information about the failure. Is there anything specific I'm supposed to be doing to get this to work ? This is the response I get when querying from Postman:

<head><title>400 Bad Request</title></head>
<center><h1>400 Bad Request</h1></center>

There is no information on why the call is failing.

From postman, apart from AccessKey and SecretKey, the service-name i use is : aps and my region is us-west-2

  • I'm also faing the same issue can anyone help to overcome this issue

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