Data mixing between users in my application


I have data base in digital Ocean MongoDB and server on ec2 , for front i am using S3 and cloud front , when two or more user login there account data share between them.... application on angular and node js

1개 답변

You have not provided nearly enough information here to aid in troubleshooting/diagnosing. However, my initial thoughts go to caching. Are you using CloudFront for S3 only or in front of your EC2/nodejs server? I am concerned that caching is returning previously generated responses from other users. For example, user1 calls listMyOrders API with their userId and security token and gets their order list. CloudFront will cache this response for all users for a set period of time. So if user2 makes the same call, they will get the response generated for user1... everybody will get that response. If this sounds like the case, you need to ensure that CloudFront isn't caching user dynamic content from nodejs calls. If CloudFront isn't in front of ec2/nodejs, then there may be other caching mechanisms on the ec2 instance. A more detailed explanation of the architecture would help. Here are some references that might help depending how you are encoding the userId in your app:

profile pictureAWS
답변함 10달 전
  • but same scenario work in Azure web app

  • i am using cloud front with S3 - ec2/nodejs

  • Is the EC2 instance behind CloudFront?

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