EC2 - RDP Backups?



We are new to EC2 and have two separate Windows server RDP's... 1 Running IIS 1Running SQL

Are these being backed up by AWS? For example, if for some reason AWS has a hardware failure are these VM's recoverable?

질문됨 3달 전70회 조회
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No, EC2 is not backed up by default.
The following document also recommends that you take regular backups.

To help protect against data loss, we recommend that you regularly create backups of valuable data. For more information about backup and recovery best practices for Amazon EC2 instances, see Best practices for Amazon EC2.

You can use AWS Backup to back up your EC2.
I think the following tutorial will help you with the settings.

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  • Thank you. For clarification, our VM's are not backed up? So in the event that they are lost on the AWS side we would need to restore our VM images? Or, would we be provided with new VM's and then need to restore our data only?

  • I think that AWS's physical infrastructure is probably redundant, but the possibility of data loss is non-zero, so I think it's better to take a backup of EC2. If your data is lost, you should not be able to restore it unless you have taken an EC2 backup. By the way, the physical infrastructure of AWS is managed by AWS, so the actual configuration is not made public.

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