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Accidentally overwrote the index.html can I revert because reuploading isn't working


I accidentally overwrote the index.html; when I re-uploaded the correct index page, the front end is still displaying the page I uploaded mistakenly. When I view the index.html page from the S3 it appears correctly but when I go to it from the subdomain I created, it still goes to the mistake page.

How do I get this back?

질문됨 일 년 전229회 조회
1개 답변

If this is cloudfront, then ensure you have uploaded the file to the correct origin S3 bucket. Also you may need to invalidate the Cache so that the latest version is re-cached.

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답변함 일 년 전
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검토됨 일 년 전
  • Unfortunately, I'm not using Cloudfront, it is S3, and my domain server is pointing to the index page.

  • Worth clearing the cache on your browser if you think you have updated the file correctly.

  • I’m guessing you may have a different bucket for the subdomain. Have you updated the file there also?

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