Water Gem



I might be missing something but, i cant seem to get the water gem to work. I have enabled it and compiled the game, but its not showing up in the editor. I want to use it to create an inf ocean. Anyone have any suggestions?

질문됨 6년 전196회 조회
4개 답변
수락된 답변

There should be a "Gem.Water.Editor.<blabla>.dll" in the directory where you start the editor.

In the editor it should show up under "add component"->Environment->Infinite ocean.

답변함 6년 전

In the projectconfigurator make sure that your project is selected as the default project.

If you're building using visual studio, run "lmbr_waf.bat show_option_dialog" and check in Visual Studio Project Generator tab generate_vs_projects_automatically. This will regenerate your solution file in the dir solutions.

run lmbr_waf.bat configure

Then either open the solution file and build using visual studio (change for now debug to profile to test it) or run

lmbr_waf.bat build_win_x64_vs2015_profile

(assuming 64bit and vs2015)

the binaries should be in the directory: bin64vc140

For debug builds change "profile" to "debug" and the final dir is bin64vc140.debug

답변함 6년 전

I dont seem to have that file. I have the Gem file that shows all the ones enabled in the project. I also dont seem to have the option listed below. This is with the newest version currect?

답변함 6년 전

I have done the steps above all over again as i did them already before i made this thread. Its the same as before. its enabled and shows in advanced settings and there is the file there but still unable to add and no option to add in the editor.

답변함 6년 전

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