RHEL 7 yum list: Could not contact any CDS load balancers: https://rhui3.us-east-1.aws.ce.redhat.com/pulp/content/



I'm encountering this error that prevents yum usage when running "yum list" as root on our RHEL 7 EC2s: Could not contact any CDS load balancers: https://rhui3.us-east-1.aws.ce.redhat.com/pulp/content/.

Curling that address reveals "curl: (60) Peer's Certificate issuer is not recognized.", so I updated ca-certificates via a manually RPM install, but that didn't resolve it. Running curl -k on that URL returns "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden".

I've also set sslverify=0 in redhat-rhui-client-config.repo and redhat-rhui.repo and ran yum clean all to no avail. It seems like this error happens in the load balancer querying step prior to querying the individual repos.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

질문됨 2년 전14396회 조회
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Could not contact any CDS load balancers: https://rhui3.us-east-1.aws.ce.redhat.com/pulp/content/..

As per thirdparty documentation, RedHat update the RHUI infrastructure from version 2 to 3.

https://access.redhat.com/articles/5215331 https://access.redhat.com/articles/4720861

To resolve this, launch a new EC2 instance with latest version of RHEL 7 and login to the new EC2 instance. Once you login to the instance, run the below command to download the latest rhui client package.

 $ sudo yum install --downloadonly --downloaddir=/root/ rh-amazon-rhui-client.noarch

Copy the downloaded rpm package to all the impacted EC2 instance (RHEL 7 only) and follow the below steps (possibly download to your desktop and then copy to all the instance. You can also upload to a S3 bucket which can be accessed from all the EC2 instance and then use aws cli command or curl to download the packages to local instances). (To avoid dependencies while installing the packages use rpm utility with below options. )

$ sudo yum remove -y rh-amazon-rhui-client
$ sudo rpm -ivh --nodeps /path/to/rpmfile/rh-amazon-rhui-client*

Please replace /path/to/rpmfile with where you copied the file.

Once the packages installed, it needs to reinstalled to get all the dependencies.

yum reinstall -y rh-amazon-rhui-client

After following the above steps, you should able to download the required packages from RHUI.

$ sudo yum clean all 
$ sudo yum repolist 
$ sudo yum list

I hope the above information would be helpful.

답변함 2년 전
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검토됨 2년 전
  • Thank you! Updating rh-amazon-rhui-client (by downloading the rpm from a newer RHEL 7.9 instance) was the key. I also have to give credit to Andriy from AWS support for identifying this same answer.

  • The command: sudo yum install --downloadonly --downloaddir=/root/ rh-amazon-rhui-client.noarch

    Does not work for me. No client package is found. :(

  • Even after following these steps, I still get an error talking about not being able to reach the subscription-manager. Some servers work but not others.


If the yum install command does not work, try: yum reinstall --downloadonly --downloaddir=/root/ rh-amazon-rhui-client.noarch

답변함 2년 전

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