HIVE_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT: Table StorageDescriptor is null


Hi, I am trying to run an SQL query from sagemaker R kernel notebook. I have connected to db using rJDBC and this works:

show_databases <- dbGetQuery(conn, "show databases")

However running the following SQL query fails:

fetch <- dbGetQuery(conn,"select * from <db>.<table> limit 10")

with the error:

Error in dbSendQuery(conn, statement, ...): Unable to retrieve JDBC result set
  JDBC ERROR: [Simba][AthenaJDBC](100071) An error has been thrown from the AWS Athena client. HIVE_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT: Table StorageDescriptor is null for table '<db>.<table>' {Name: o_interaction_event_90days,DatabaseName: <db>,Description: ,Owner: ,Retention: 0,ViewOriginalText: ,ViewExpandedText: ,TableType: ,Parameters: {___lake_formation_authorized_columns___={
  "authorizedColumns" : [ ]
}, ___table_owner_account_id___=<accID>, ___use_lakeformation_credentials___=false, __athena_nested_field_filter_enabled=true, ___use_lakeformation_row_column_security___=false},CreatedBy: ,IsRegisteredWithLakeFormation: false,TargetTable: {CatalogId: <catalogID>,DatabaseName: amevents,Name: <table>,},CatalogId: 882103560896,IsRowFilteringEnabled: false,DatabaseId: ,}

But when I run the same query in Athen it succeeds.

Any help is appreciated and I am happy to provide further details if needed.

  • Fixed the issue by adding my IAM role as Data lake administrator in the LakeFormation console.

질문됨 6달 전131회 조회
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