Full text search on encrypted data


Suppose I store encrypted text on database and want to be able to perform a full text search on encrypted data to find one or multiple keywords in a query. Is there any way or tool to perform such operations?

1개 답변

Amazon OpenSearch is our flagship full text search service. Like anything its applicability depends on the details of the use case. How is the data encrypted, where it’s it today, etc. Firstly, you can send the data on the Amazon Simple Storage Service(S3) and then perform the encryption using Amazon Athena on top of that. Amazon Athena is a server-less interactive query service that enables users to easily analyze data in Amazon S3 using standard SQL. Additionally, Amazon Athena offers assistance for querying encrypted data on Amazon S3. Athena works with popular data formats like CSV, JSON, ORC, Avro, and Parquet Customers can benefit from the serverless dynamic queries Athena offers with their encrypted data if they have requirements to encrypt sensitive data stored in Amazon S3. Currently, S3 supports encrypting data with AWS Key Management Service (KMS) (https://aws.amazon.com/kms/). AWS KMS is a managed service for the creation and management of encryption keys used to encrypt data. Additionally, S3 allows users to encrypt data with their own encryption keys. Since it is crucial to comprehend the encrypted alternatives that Athena provides for datasets kept on S3, we also have the encryption choices supported by S3 and Athena below: Server-side encryption with Amazon S3- Managed Encryption Keys (SSE-S3)- Yes Server-Side Encryption with AWS KMS Managed Keys (SSE-KMS)- Yes Client-Side Encryption with AWS KMS Managed keys (CSC-KMS)- Yes Client-Side Encryption with Client-Side Master key (CSC-C)- No Server-Side Encryption with Customer provided Encryption keys (CSC-C)- No Apart from that, if the files are in the form of PDF, Doc, etc. then you can also explore Amazon Kendra

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