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Not receiving MQTT messages in our component in greengrass when deployed from cloud console


We are not receiving MQTT messages in our components which we are deploying from Cloud console on Greengrass Edge. On the contrary the same components when locally deployed (not deployed from cloud) are receiving MQTT messages. note: This is MQTT message which is published by other custom component on the greengrass edge.

Log message says the component is successfully deployed and running

질문됨 일 년 전270회 조회
1개 답변

How are you sending "MQTT messages"? It sounds to me like you're maybe sending local publish/subscribe messages using IPC If so, local pub/sub is NOT MQTT. If you want to send MQTT messages to IoT Core, then use the IPC method to send messages to IoT Core:

If you're talking about local MQTT messages using the local MQTT broker, then again, those messages stay local unless you explicitly make them go to IoT Core using the MQTT Bridge.

Cheers, Michael

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