AWS App Runner Not Automatically Deploying with New ECR Image


I have an AWS App Runner service configured to deploy my application automatically when changes occur in the associated Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) repository. However, despite trying various troubleshooting steps, the service does not deploy automatically when a new image is pushed to the ECR repository. Here's what I've done so far:

  1. Checked ECR Permissions:

    Ensured that the IAM role associated with the App Runner service has the required permissions to pull images from the ECR repository. Verified that the IAM role has permissions for ECR actions such as ecr:GetAuthorizationToken, ecr:BatchCheckLayerAvailability, ecr:GetDownloadUrlForLayer, and ecr:BatchGetImage.

  2. Updated Trigger Configuration:

    Confirmed that the ECR repository and branch are correctly configured as triggers for automatic deployments in the App Runner service settings. Double-checked that the repository and branch information match the actual setup in my environment.

  3. Verified Image Tag:

    Made sure that I am pushing a new container image with a different tag to the ECR repository. Images with the same tag might not trigger automatic deployments.

  4. Checked Build Pipeline:

    Verified the CI/CD pipeline responsible for building and pushing images to ECR. Confirmed that the pipeline is correctly pushing the image with the appropriate tag to the ECR repository linked to the App Runner service.

  5. Checked App Runner Configuration:

    Reviewed the App Runner service configuration in the AWS Management Console. Verified that the source repository, branch, and build settings are accurate. Ensured that the "Automatic deployment" option is enabled.

질문됨 10달 전771회 조회
1개 답변


Is the ECR registry in same account as running app? If not, it's not supported:


App Runner doesn't support automatic deployment for Amazon ECR Public images, 
and for images in an Amazon ECR repository that belongs to a different AWS account 
than the one that your service is in.



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답변함 10달 전

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