Account ************ is denied access while creating an aws glue crawler.


Hello friends, i am creating a glue crawler that will create metadata tables of the csv files residing in my S3 bucket. I have created a role and give AmazonS3 full access and AWSGlueServieRole permissions to it. But when i create crawler it gives me error showing the account ************* is denied access. I have shared the photo of error too. Any guidance or help in this regard will be very appreciated. Thank you.Here is the image of error i am getting

3개 답변

You have asked the same question here : There is a comment on that and that looks to be the issue. You are missing the trust policy for Glue service to assume the role you created.

답변함 2년 전
  • Thank you for your reply. Sir i am new to AWS can you please explain how can i set trust policy for glue service to assume the role. i will be very thankful to you.


I think, there should be another reason. Even checking the role from the crawler creation screen and with the next message "Successfully updated IAM Role "AWSGlueServiceRole-XXXXXX". This role trusts AWS Glue and has permissions to access your AWS Glue Crawler targets". It still does not work.

답변함 2년 전

Any news on this? I've the same issue


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답변함 8달 전

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