Unable to connect AWS managed Grafana to windows PC(local hosted) MySQL database server?


Hi Team,

I'm trying to connect AWS Managed Grafana to my to MySQL database local hosted on my windows PC(remote MySQL server).

When I try to connect , I get the following error. Could you please help me? Error: 504 Gateway Time-out

what worked -

  • I already was able to connect AWS RDS with AWS managed grafana.

How am i setting AMG -

  • I am putting my computer ip address on AWS Grafana but I'm getting the error.

What changes i have made -

  • i allowed port:3306(Both inbound and outbound) on windows firewall.
  • i configured AWS grafana VPC to allow outbound VPC connection.'
1개 답변

A 504 error usually means the server did not respond to the request. This often has to do on how ACL and SG are configured, I will suggest to check if there is any ACL blocking outbound traffic or if there is any managed prefix that may block public access to Grafana.


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