Does AWS AppFlow automatically trust AWS Private CA certs?


Does AWS Infrastructure such as AppFlow automatically trust AWS Private CA certs?

This page seems to suggest that it does:

The SAP instance must have a certificate installed for end-to-end TLS communication. You can use Amazon private CA for obtaining server certificates and installing them on the SAP system via transaction code STRUST. If you want to terminate the SSL at the load balancer, then you can skip this step and just forward the traffic to the target group on a port where SAP does not require a certificate for SSL communication.

1개 답변

AWS Private CA do not trust appflow automatically. you need to create Private certificate in AWS Private CA and then install the certifcate on the SAP system via transaction code STRUST. AWS gives options to export only private Certificate from the console.

답변함 일 년 전
  • yes, I understand that the certificate needs to be installed. Once that process is complete, does the trust work?

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