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EC2 instance losing connection


Hi I have recently launched a windows EC2 instance and connecting to my virtual machine using RDP, however every time I want to work on it I lose my RDP connection, I have tried using a region close to me but I still experience the same error. I tried to opt in to the optimizer but still have no luck in keeping my connection. my speed test is at 35Mbs
!RDP error (/media/postImages/original/IMiXNkVl-AQRmhzK24ZvE88Q)

  • Is this the whole error? If not could you post an image of the error?

질문됨 일 년 전236회 조회
1개 답변
수락된 답변

Hi shinangane,

It sounds like you're facing a tricky issue with your EC2 Windows instance's RDP connection. This can be frustrating, especially when you've already tried changing regions and optimizing the connection. A few things to consider:

  • Network Stability: Even with a decent speed test result, network stability can be a factor. Intermittent connectivity issues could disrupt RDP sessions.
  • Instance Specifications: Ensure your instance has adequate resources (CPU, RAM). Overloaded instances might cause connectivity issues.
  • Security Group Settings: Double-check your instance's security group rules. Ensure they allow inbound RDP traffic (port 3389) from your IP address.
  • Windows Firewall Settings: Sometimes, the firewall settings on the Windows instance can interfere with RDP connections.
  • RDP Client Settings: Experiment with different RDP client settings. Sometimes, adjusting settings like display resolution can make a difference.

If the problem persists, I recommend reaching out to AWS support for more in-depth troubleshooting.

Hope it helps.

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답변함 일 년 전
  • Hi Vitor,

    I will try some of your suggestions thank you.

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