An error occurred (InvalidParameterValueException) when calling the UpdateEventSourceMapping operation


Hello, Does anyone know the reason why I got this error when calling the UpdateEventSourceMapping operation? Im using this operation in a function that can disable a kinesis trigger when there's a database issue. In this function, Im using UpdateEventSourceMapping operation in which it will detect which lambda's kinesis trigger need to be disabled.

Here's the full message: [ERROR] InvalidParameterValueException: An error occurred (InvalidParameterValueException) when calling the UpdateEventSourceMapping operation: Received Exception while reading from provided stream.

질문됨 7달 전290회 조회
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You might receive the below error when you have breached one of the Control Plane API Limits which you can find on this documentation -

An error occurred (InvalidParameterValueException) when calling the UpdateEventSourceMapping operation: Received Exception while reading from provided stream. Rate exceeded for 

Note: Your Amazon Kinesis data stream can experience read throttles if the following limits are breached:

  • Each shard can support up to five read transactions per second (or five GetRecords calls/second for each shard).
  • Each shard can support up to a maximum read rate of two MiB/second.
  • GetRecords can retrieve up to ten MiB of data per call from a single shard, and up to 10,000 records per call. If a call to GetRecords returns ten MiB of data, then subsequent calls made within the next five seconds result in an error.

If you are gettingReadProvisionedThroughputExceeded exceptions, refer :

For a deeper analysis into the issue and gain more insights tailored to your Kinesis stream configurations, I request you to please reach out to AWS Premium Support team via a support case.

Hope the above information and documentation helps!

답변함 7달 전

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