Create portable script in Powershell to list EIPs


Create a script List EC2 Elastic IP addresses for eu-west-1 and us-west-2 regions for a given account and assign a tag 'TBA' to all of them. The output should be a confirmation of Tag update and Public IP. I'm having difficulty in the script: Get-EC2Address -AccountId 123456789 $tag = New-Object Amazon.EC2.Model.Tag $tag.Key = "Name" $tag.Value = "TBA" Get-EC2Address -Filter @{Name="tag:Category";Values="Prod"}

I was trying different sources, but still cant get proper commands please help

질문됨 2년 전335회 조회
1개 답변
수락된 답변

The example you provided is lacking a command New-EC2Tag to add a tag to an elastic IP allocation. Additionally, you are not using the right filter to get IPs with a tag (Name:TBA). Please see the below for a sample script. You can customize it as needed.

# set regions
$regions = @("eu-west-1", "us-west-2")

# AWS PowerShell documentation
foreach ($region in $regions) {
    # Extracting elastic IP allocation IDs
    $allocationIds = Get-EC2Address -Region $region | ForEach-Object { $_.AllocationId }

    # Prepare a Tag to Add
    $tag = New-Object Amazon.EC2.Model.Tag 
    $tag.Key = "Name" 
    $tag.Value = "TBA"
    # Tag all the elasticIPs
    try {
        # add a new tag
        New-EC2Tag -Resource $allocationIds -Tag $tag
    } catch {
        # Failed to add a tag
        Write-Error $_.ErrorDetails
    # if tagging is successful, get IPs again
    Get-EC2Address -Filter @{Name="tag:Name";Values="TBA"}

답변함 2년 전

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