Will pg_ivm extension be supported in AWS RDS PostgreSQL? When?

1개 답변

Hello, at the moment pg_ivm extension is not supported in AWS RDS PostgreSQL. You can check the available extension here.

Also you can keep referring What's New with AWS page where AWS is constantly adding new capabilities so you can leverage the latest technologies to experiment and innovate more quickly. What's New posts show how AWS is doing just that, providing a brief overview of all AWS service, feature, and region expansion announcements as they are released.

You can also open a support case and provide feature request. Also please check Amazon RDS for PostgrsSQL FAQs and as per FAQs "To request support for additional extensions, you can send an email to rds-postgres-extensions-request@amazon.com with the extension name and use case."

답변함 6달 전
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검토됨 3달 전
  • Tks, but the answer does not help. First paragraph is the reason I asked. Second paragraph is propaganda. The third paragraph is what I did here. Is AWS planning to support the extension? When? Tks.

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