Access Denied after successful AssumeRole


Good Day All,

I am trying to run commands after assumerole using cli and getting the following error: An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the ListObjectsV2 operation: Access Denied

aws sts assume-role --role-arn "arn:aws:iam::<accountid>:role/read-write-app-bucket-role" --role-session-name "sessionname" This runs successfully but when i do the following i get error : command : aws s3 ls

Note :

  1. I am able to assume the role successfully using AWS STS and getting temp credentials
  2. Also the role has full S3 access.
  3. Both role and resource are in same account

Tried running "aws s3 ls --profile default" but still having the issue Tried assigning the same role directly to the user and the command works fine.

질문됨 10달 전191회 조회
2개 답변

Hi The command assume-role output the temporary credentials. You must use these credentials when making your aws s3 ls call. Please see this guide. Hope it helps.

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답변함 10달 전

Hi, I suggest you to check the identity under which run the s3 ls via aws sts get-caller-identity. Sometimes your run CLI commands under under another identity than the one you believe due to env vars, default profile, etc.

It happens to me sometimes...



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답변함 10달 전

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