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Data Visibility in AWS DataZone Domains


Hi all,

I'm recently introduced to AWS DataZone.

I'm have created 2 domain in a single account.

df-test-1 and df-test-2

Both domains do have data created by AWS Athena environment but I can not see data from other domain on Data portal.

Thank you in advance

질문됨 일 년 전996회 조회
2개 답변


your implementation is not currently supported by Amazon DataZone. Each Domain has a separate Catalog and you will not be able to share data between different domain.

What you can do is to have one single domain and in the domain create multiple projects , one project could be the producer (owner of the data) and the second project could be the consumer of the data , that can subscribe to published data sets and start querying it from Athena.

To learn more on Amazon DataZone please use the the Amazon DataZone youtube playlist , the launch blog post and the getting started documentation page.

답변함 7달 전

The root domain you create on the service page is to be understood more as an isolated tenant within which you will have the actual business domains. You'd create one root domain per company or business entity that needs to remain isolated from one another. Within the "corporate root domain", each "business domain" can be represented by a Project, which are isolated unless the data assets are subscribed to and approved by the owners.

답변함 7달 전

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