Lightsail Windows Server 2019


I have two questions, How can i instal a complete application on an image of Windows Server 2019 in lightsail and can i have five RDP connections simultaneously ? Thanks in advance for any help

질문됨 3년 전487회 조회
2개 답변

Hello asacchetto,

What kind of application are you wanting to install on a Lightsail Windows Server 2019 instance? There are many tutorials available on the web you might reference.

Thanks for using Lightsail

답변함 3년 전
  • Thank you for your attention, the application is used in the management of our commodity broker


What is your use-case for multiple simultaneous RDP connections? Will you need separate users per-connection?

답변함 3년 전
  • Yes, the application is used in the management of our commodity broker, so the sellers and the financial manager should have separated users and in some moments simultaneous access

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