[Greengrass][IDT][Raspi] Deployment did not reach COMPLETED


Hello, I'm trying to run the IDT test suite on my Raspi 4B with the Raspi OS and a Greengass Core Software v2.7.0 running on it. I launch the tests from a Windows PC with a IDT v4.5.8, connected with Putty through SSH. My Greengrass Core Software is PREINSTALLED. I also run the test HSM with PKCS11 provider, as I generated key and certificate with the TPM connected to my Raspi.

I do not manage to pass the tests that involve deployments: I always get Deployment did not reach COMPLETED even for the Empty Deployment used for cleaning up.

Here is an example for a part of the suite that tests a local deployment. [Logs from test_manager.log]

time="2022-09-27T12:57:37+02:00" level=info msg=12:57:37.231 [localdeployment] [idt-bf5893219b34898de77c] [INFO] com.aws.greengrass.testing.resources.AbstractAWSResourceLifecycle - Created GreengrassDeployment in GreengrassV2Lifecycle
time="2022-09-27T12:57:37+02:00" level=info msg=12:57:37.233 [localdeployment] [idt-bf5893219b34898de77c] [INFO] com.aws.greengrass.testing.features.DeploymentSteps - Created Greengrass deployment: 3c3703c6-feb1-404a-86fe-317282a02b15
time="2022-09-27T12:57:37+02:00" level=info msg=12:57:37.233 [localdeployment] [idt-bf5893219b34898de77c] [INFO] greengrass/features/localdeployment.feature - line 12: 'the Greengrass deployment is COMPLETED on the device after 180 seconds'
time="2022-09-27T13:00:37+02:00" level=info msg=13:00:37.455 [localdeployment] [idt-bf5893219b34898de77c] [ERROR] greengrass/features/localdeployment.feature - Failed at step: 'the Greengrass deployment is COMPLETED on the device after 180 seconds'
time="2022-09-27T13:00:37+02:00" level=info msg=java.lang.IllegalStateException: Deployment idt-bf5893219b34898de77c-gg-deployment did not reach COMPLETED
time="2022-09-27T13:00:37+02:00" level=info msg=	at com.aws.greengrass.testing.features.DeploymentSteps.deploymentSucceeds(DeploymentSteps.java:272)
time="2022-09-27T13:00:37+02:00" level=info msg=	at ?.the Greengrass deployment is COMPLETED on the device after 180 seconds(classpath:greengrass/features/localdeployment.feature:12)13:00:37.463 [localdeployment] [idt-bf5893219b34898de77c] [INFO] greengrass/features/localdeployment.feature - line 13: 'I verify greengrass-cli is available in greengrass root'
time="2022-09-27T13:00:37+02:00" level=info msg=13:00:37.463 [localdeployment] [idt-bf5893219b34898de77c] [INFO] greengrass/features/localdeployment.feature - line 14: 'I create a local deployment with components'
time="2022-09-27T13:00:37+02:00" level=info msg=13:00:37.463 [localdeployment] [idt-bf5893219b34898de77c] [INFO] greengrass/features/localdeployment.feature - line 16: 'the local Greengrass deployment is SUCCEEDED on the device after 120 seconds'
time="2022-09-27T13:00:37+02:00" level=info msg=13:00:37.464 [localdeployment] [idt-bf5893219b34898de77c] [INFO] greengrass/features/localdeployment.feature - line 17: 'the aws.greengrass.LocalHelloWorld log on the device contains the line "Hello World!!" within 20 seconds'
time="2022-09-27T13:00:37+02:00" level=info msg=13:00:37.959 [localdeployment] [idt-bf5893219b34898de77c] [INFO] com.aws.greengrass.testing.features.DeploymentSteps - Cleaning up component through an empty deployment
time="2022-09-27T13:00:38+02:00" level=info msg=13:00:38.394 [localdeployment] [idt-bf5893219b34898de77c] [INFO] com.aws.greengrass.testing.resources.AbstractAWSResourceLifecycle - Created GreengrassDeployment in GreengrassV2Lifecycle
time="2022-09-27T13:01:12+02:00" level=info msg=13:01:12.903 [localdeployment] [idt-bf5893219b34898de77c] [INFO] com.aws.greengrass.testing.features.DeploymentSteps - Cleaning up component through an empty deployment
time="2022-09-27T13:01:13+02:00" level=info msg=13:01:13.269 [localdeployment] [idt-bf5893219b34898de77c] [INFO] com.aws.greengrass.testing.resources.AbstractAWSResourceLifecycle - Created GreengrassDeployment in GreengrassV2Lifecycle
time="2022-09-27T13:02:13+02:00" level=info msg=13:02:13.456 [localdeployment] [idt-bf5893219b34898de77c] [WARN] com.aws.greengrass.testing.features.DeploymentSteps - Empty deployment did not reach COMPLETED

[Logs from greengrass.log (file from the core device tested)]

2022-09-27T10:57:44.221Z [INFO] (Thread-3) com.aws.greengrass.deployment.ShadowDeploymentListener: Added shadow deployment job. {ID=arn:aws:greengrass:eu-west-2:548876126010:configuration:thing/MyGreengrassCoreV2:17}
2022-09-27T10:57:56.652Z [INFO] (pool-2-thread-12) com.aws.greengrass.deployment.DeploymentService: Received deployment in the queue. {deploymentId=arn:aws:greengrass:eu-west-2:548876126010:configuration:thing/MyGreengrassCoreV2:17, DeploymentType=SHADOW, serviceName=DeploymentService, currentState=RUNNING}
2022-09-27T10:57:56.653Z [INFO] (pool-2-thread-12) com.aws.greengrass.deployment.DeploymentService: Received deployment document in queue. {document={"deploymentId":"3c3703c6-feb1-404a-86fe-317282a02b15","schemaDate":"2021-05-17","deploymentName":"idt-bf5893219b34898de77c-gg-deployment","configurationArn":"arn:aws:greengrass:eu-west-2:548876126010:configuration:thing/MyGreengrassCoreV2:17","creationTimestamp":1664276257193,"components":{"aws.greengrass.Cli":{"version":"2.7.0"},"aws.greengrass.Nucleus":{"version":"2.7.0"}},"failureHandlingPolicy":"ROLLBACK","requiredCapabilities":[],"componentUpdatePolicy":{"timeout":60,"action":"NOTIFY_COMPONENTS"},"configurationValidationPolicy":{"timeout":60}}, serviceName=DeploymentService, currentState=RUNNING}


2022-09-27T10:58:07.731Z [INFO] (pool-2-thread-5) com.aws.greengrass.componentmanager.ComponentManager: prepare-package-start. {packageIdentifier=aws.greengrass.Cli-v2.7.0}
2022-09-27T10:58:07.732Z [DEBUG] (pool-2-thread-5) com.aws.greengrass.componentmanager.ComponentStore: finding-package-recipe. {packageRecipePath=/greengrass/v2/packages/recipes/rQVjcR-rX_XGFHg0WYKAnptIez3HKwtctL_2BKKZegM@2.7.0.recipe.yaml}
2022-09-27T10:58:07.778Z [DEBUG] (pool-2-thread-5) com.aws.greengrass.componentmanager.ComponentManager: downloading-package-artifacts. {packageIdentifier=aws.greengrass.Cli-v2.7.0}
2022-09-27T10:58:07.817Z [DEBUG] (pool-2-thread-5) software.amazon.awssdk.core.interceptor.ExecutionInterceptorChain: Creating an interceptor chain that will apply interceptors in the following order: [software.amazon.awssdk.core.internal.interceptor.HttpChecksumRequiredInterceptor@14e72a8, software.amazon.awssdk.awscore.interceptor.HelpfulUnknownHostExceptionInterceptor@5198ce, software.amazon.awssdk.awscore.eventstream.EventStreamInitialRequestInterceptor@1f24246]. {}
2022-09-27T10:58:07.819Z [DEBUG] (pool-2-thread-5) software.amazon.awssdk.request: Sending Request: DefaultSdkHttpFullRequest(httpMethod=GET, protocol=https, host=greengrass-ats.iot.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com, port=8443, encodedPath=/greengrass/v2/components/arn%3Aaws%3Agreengrass%3Aeu-west-2%3Aaws%3Acomponents%3Aaws.greengrass.Cli%3Aversions%3A2.7.0/artifacts/JdZfpOZVO9z8GzOhHm01lU3WQaCWO2RkfzJ_k2LT51I%3D/aws.greengrass.cli.client.zip, headers=[amz-sdk-invocation-id, User-Agent], queryParameters=[]). {}
2022-09-27T10:58:07.823Z [DEBUG] (pool-2-thread-5) software.amazon.awssdk.http.apache.internal.conn.SdkTlsSocketFactory: Connecting to greengrass-ats.iot.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/ {}
2022-09-27T10:58:07.873Z [DEBUG] (pool-2-thread-5) software.amazon.awssdk.http.apache.internal.conn.SdkTlsSocketFactory: socket.getSupportedProtocols(): [TLSv1.3, TLSv1.2, TLSv1.1, TLSv1, SSLv3, SSLv2Hello], socket.getEnabledProtocols(): [TLSv1.3, TLSv1.2]. {}
2022-09-27T10:58:07.873Z [DEBUG] (pool-2-thread-5) software.amazon.awssdk.http.apache.internal.conn.SdkTlsSocketFactory: TLS protocol enabled for SSL handshake: [TLSv1.2, TLSv1.1, TLSv1, TLSv1.3]. {}
2022-09-27T10:58:09.355Z [DEBUG] (pool-2-thread-5) software.amazon.awssdk.http.apache.internal.net.SdkSslSocket: created: greengrass-ats.iot.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/ {}
2022-09-27T10:58:09.573Z [DEBUG] (pool-2-thread-5) software.amazon.awssdk.request: Received successful response: 200. {}
2022-09-27T10:58:09.574Z [DEBUG] (pool-2-thread-5) software.amazon.awssdk.requestId: x-amzn-RequestId : 622cc548-944a-e387-164c-e6c9889efe42. {}
2022-09-27T10:58:09.575Z [DEBUG] (pool-2-thread-5) software.amazon.awssdk.requestId: x-amz-id-2 : not available. {}
2022-09-27T10:58:10.033Z [DEBUG] (pool-2-thread-5) software.amazon.awssdk.http.apache.internal.conn.SdkTlsSocketFactory: Connecting to evergreencomponentmanageme-artifactbucket7410c9ef-1t7hs9n3e7a5l.s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/ {}
2022-09-27T10:58:10.156Z [DEBUG] (pool-2-thread-5) software.amazon.awssdk.http.apache.internal.conn.SdkTlsSocketFactory: socket.getSupportedProtocols(): [TLSv1.3, TLSv1.2, TLSv1.1, TLSv1, SSLv3, SSLv2Hello], socket.getEnabledProtocols(): [TLSv1.3, TLSv1.2]. {}
2022-09-27T10:58:10.156Z [DEBUG] (pool-2-thread-5) software.amazon.awssdk.http.apache.internal.conn.SdkTlsSocketFactory: TLS protocol enabled for SSL handshake: [TLSv1.2, TLSv1.1, TLSv1, TLSv1.3]. {}
2022-09-27T10:58:10.685Z [DEBUG] (pool-2-thread-5) software.amazon.awssdk.http.apache.internal.net.SdkSslSocket: created: evergreencomponentmanageme-artifactbucket7410c9ef-1t7hs9n3e7a5l.s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/ {}
2022-09-27T10:58:10.903Z [DEBUG] (pool-2-thread-5) software.amazon.awssdk.http.apache.internal.net.SdkSslSocket: closing evergreencomponentmanageme-artifactbucket7410c9ef-1t7hs9n3e7a5l.s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/ {}
2022-09-27T10:58:10.932Z [DEBUG] (pool-2-thread-5) software.amazon.awssdk.core.interceptor.ExecutionInterceptorChain: Creating an interceptor chain that will apply interceptors in the following order: [software.amazon.awssdk.core.internal.interceptor.HttpChecksumRequiredInterceptor@14e72a8, software.amazon.awssdk.awscore.interceptor.HelpfulUnknownHostExceptionInterceptor@5198ce, software.amazon.awssdk.awscore.eventstream.EventStreamInitialRequestInterceptor@1f24246]. {}
2022-09-27T10:58:10.934Z [DEBUG] (pool-2-thread-5) software.amazon.awssdk.request: Sending Request: DefaultSdkHttpFullRequest(httpMethod=GET, protocol=https, host=greengrass-ats.iot.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com, port=8443, encodedPath=/greengrass/v2/components/arn%3Aaws%3Agreengrass%3Aeu-west-2%3Aaws%3Acomponents%3Aaws.greengrass.Cli%3Aversions%3A2.7.0/artifacts/JdZfpOZVO9z8GzOhHm01lU3WQaCWO2RkfzJ_k2LT51I%3D/aws.greengrass.cli.client.zip, headers=[amz-sdk-invocation-id, User-Agent], queryParameters=[]). {}
2022-09-27T10:58:10.937Z [DEBUG] (pool-2-thread-5) software.amazon.awssdk.http.apache.internal.conn.SdkTlsSocketFactory: Connecting to greengrass-ats.iot.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/ {}
2022-09-27T10:58:11.880Z [DEBUG] (pool-2-thread-5) software.amazon.awssdk.http.apache.internal.conn.SdkTlsSocketFactory: socket.getSupportedProtocols(): [TLSv1.3, TLSv1.2, TLSv1.1, TLSv1, SSLv3, SSLv2Hello], socket.getEnabledProtocols(): [TLSv1.3, TLSv1.2]. {}
2022-09-27T10:58:11.881Z [DEBUG] (pool-2-thread-5) software.amazon.awssdk.http.apache.internal.conn.SdkTlsSocketFactory: TLS protocol enabled for SSL handshake: [TLSv1.2, TLSv1.1, TLSv1, TLSv1.3]. {}
2022-09-27T10:58:13.389Z [DEBUG] (pool-2-thread-5) software.amazon.awssdk.http.apache.internal.net.SdkSslSocket: created: greengrass-ats.iot.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/ {}
2022-09-27T10:58:13.626Z [DEBUG] (pool-2-thread-5) software.amazon.awssdk.request: Received successful response: 200. {}
2022-09-27T10:58:13.627Z [DEBUG] (pool-2-thread-5) software.amazon.awssdk.requestId: x-amzn-RequestId : 49c34118-9025-6ef7-4def-489354e1c4e3. {}
2022-09-27T10:58:13.628Z [DEBUG] (pool-2-thread-5) software.amazon.awssdk.requestId: x-amz-id-2 : not available. {}
2022-09-27T10:58:13.706Z [DEBUG] (pool-2-thread-5) software.amazon.awssdk.http.apache.internal.conn.SdkTlsSocketFactory: Connecting to evergreencomponentmanageme-artifactbucket7410c9ef-1t7hs9n3e7a5l.s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/ {}
2022-09-27T10:58:13.785Z [DEBUG] (pool-2-thread-5) software.amazon.awssdk.http.apache.internal.conn.SdkTlsSocketFactory: socket.getSupportedProtocols(): [TLSv1.3, TLSv1.2, TLSv1.1, TLSv1, SSLv3, SSLv2Hello], socket.getEnabledProtocols(): [TLSv1.3, TLSv1.2]. {}
2022-09-27T10:58:13.786Z [DEBUG] (pool-2-thread-5) software.amazon.awssdk.http.apache.internal.conn.SdkTlsSocketFactory: TLS protocol enabled for SSL handshake: [TLSv1.2, TLSv1.1, TLSv1, TLSv1.3]. {}
2022-09-27T10:58:14.292Z [DEBUG] (pool-2-thread-5) software.amazon.awssdk.http.apache.internal.net.SdkSslSocket: created: evergreencomponentmanageme-artifactbucket7410c9ef-1t7hs9n3e7a5l.s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/ {}
2022-09-27T10:59:57.647Z [DEBUG] (idle-connection-reaper) software.amazon.awssdk.http.apache.internal.net.SdkSslSocket: shutting down output of greengrass-ats.iot.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/ {}


2022-09-27T11:00:38.493Z [INFO] (Thread-3) com.aws.greengrass.deployment.ShadowDeploymentListener: Added shadow deployment job. {ID=arn:aws:greengrass:eu-west-2:548876126010:configuration:thing/MyGreengrassCoreV2:18}
2022-09-27T11:00:42.020Z [INFO] (pool-2-thread-12) com.aws.greengrass.deployment.DeploymentService: Canceling current device deployment. {DeploymentId=arn:aws:greengrass:eu-west-2:548876126010:configuration:thing/MyGreengrassCoreV2:17, serviceName=DeploymentService, currentState=RUNNING}
2022-09-27T11:00:42.022Z [DEBUG] (pool-2-thread-12) com.aws.greengrass.deployment.DeploymentStatusKeeper: Storing deployment status. {DeploymentId=arn:aws:greengrass:eu-west-2:548876126010:configuration:thing/MyGreengrassCoreV2:17, DeploymentStatus=CANCELED}
2022-09-27T11:00:42.023Z [INFO] (pool-2-thread-4) com.aws.greengrass.deployment.DeploymentService: deployment-task-execution. Cancelled package download due to received interrupt. {deploymentId=3c3703c6-feb1-404a-86fe-317282a02b15, serviceName=DeploymentService, currentState=RUNNING}
2022-09-27T11:00:42.138Z [INFO] (pool-2-thread-12) com.aws.greengrass.deployment.DeploymentStatusKeeper: Stored deployment status. {DeploymentId=arn:aws:greengrass:eu-west-2:548876126010:configuration:thing/MyGreengrassCoreV2:17, DeploymentStatus=CANCELED}

I'm not sure which part of the logs is relevant, don't hesitate to ask for more logs. The thing is that I see no error from the tested device point of view, the deployment is launched, but after some time the device exits from whatever was going on (see end of part 2/3 of greengrass.log above) and almost a minute later a cancel command is given by the tester that considers that the deployment is not completed in time. I'm completely new to AWS so I may have missed something obvious, I'll take any insight on my issues.

PS : the time in the logs from the tested device is 2h late (an explanation of the errors?) even though the time of my Raspi (given by the "date" command) is the right one...

  • Hello

    Thanks for the logs you have provided. For now, what you have provided suffice.

    In the greengrass.log, can you trace the status of the deployment with Id '548876126010'. Please confirm it reached RUNNING status, before the cancellation was attempted.

    If the deployment was still in progress, then for various reasons, the device is needing more time for the deployment to happen. You can use the "Timeout multiplier" feature to increase the actual wait times. The usage is documented here

    Please let me know your findings.

  • Hello, thanks for the reply. The deployment execution is started according to these logs, few lines below the part 1/3 of greengrass.log that I've already posted: 2022-09-27T10:57:57.018Z [INFO] (pool-2-thread-4) com.aws.greengrass.deployment.DeploymentService: deployment-task-execution. Starting deployment task. {Deployment service config={ComponentToGroups={}, dependencies=[], GroupMembership={thinggroup/MyGreengrassGroupV2=null}, GroupToRootComponents={thing/MyGreengrassCoreV2={}, thinggroup/MyGreengrassGroupV2={}}, runtime={ProcessedDeployments={}}, version=0.0.0}, deploymentId=3c3703c6-feb1-404a-86fe-317282a02b15, serviceName=DeploymentService, currentState=RUNNING} I don't think that is a question of timing because there is a delay between the last action in the deployment and the order of shutting down (see 2 last lines of greengrass.log part 2/3, nothing happens between 10:58:14 and 10:59:57) and again another ~40s delay before the tester decides to cancel the deployment.

    What I find even weirder is that logs indicate that the EmptyDeployment (used for cleaning up) is executed and its status is marked as SUCCEEDED after some time while the test manager indicates "Empty deployment did not reach COMPLETED"...

  • I found an error occuring before (during the cloudComponent test) that may be related and that I was not able to solve neither. It involves the credendials provider.

    2022-09-27T10:55:43.390Z [DEBUG] (pool-2-thread-17) com.aws.greengrass.tes.CredentialRequestHandler: Received response from cloud: {"message":"Access Denied"}. {iotCredentialsPath=/role-aliases/GreengrassCoreTokenExchangeRoleAlias/credentials, statusCode=403} 2022-09-27T10:55:43.391Z [ERROR] (pool-2-thread-17) com.aws.greengrass.tes.CredentialRequestHandler: TES responded with status code: 403. Caching response. {"message":"Access Denied"}. {iotCredentialsPath=/role-aliases/GreengrassCoreTokenExchangeRoleAlias/credentials} 2022-09-27T10:55:43.393Z [ERROR] (pool-2-thread-17) com.aws.greengrass.tes.CredentialRequestHandler: Error in retrieving AwsCredentials from TES. {iotCredentialsPath=/role-aliases/GreengrassCoreTokenExchangeRoleAlias/credentials, credentialData=TES responded with status code: 403. Caching response. {"message":"Access Denied"}} 2022-09-27T10:55:43.393Z [DEBUG] (pool-2-thread-17) com.aws.greengrass.componentmanager.builtins.S3Downloader: get-bucket-location. task failed and will be retried. {task-attempt=4, componentIdentifier=com.aws.HelloWorld, artifactUri=s3://idt-87dd63247a106c50bff2-gg-component-store/greengrass/components/artifacts/aws-greengrass-testing-features-cloudcomponent.zip} software.amazon.awssdk.core.exception.SdkClientException: Failed to fetch credentials

  • I am sorry. I should have asked for the status of 'COMPLETED' for the deployment with id 548876126010. Can you try to find in the logs, what is the last status reported, before the cancellation was requested.

    As far as the errors related to 'GreengrassCoreTokenExchangeRoleAlias/credentials' is concerned, since this is case of pre-installed greengrass, the expectation is that the 'GreengrassCoreTokenExchangeRoleAlias' has the right role with policy attached. You can find some documentation related to this role here. You can see the one highlighted note about s3 permissions attached to the policy. The issue could be in that area.

    For non-preinstalled use case, IDT Greengrass Testsuite offers a way to configure custom role alias as documented here. That can also give additional insights.

  • I do not see any mention that the deployment reached COMPLETED. I tried to increase the timeout as you suggested but it only makes more obvious the delays that I described in one of my earlier comments.

질문됨 2년 전564회 조회
1개 답변

I'm providing here raw results from a group test I ran. It was the "component group". The Raspi passed the first part of the CloudComponent test and the LocalComponent test but failed at the second part of the CloudComponent test.

You can see in my logs that I have sometimes troubles with my PKCS#11 provider, in general after some time it manages to connect. But maybe it is the root cause of my issues with deployments.

I noticed that in the failed deployment case there was a lot of "Waiting for dependencies", as if the device had troubles loading services, it may be the reason it failed, but in this case, I don't know how to solve this issue.

There is the same surprising behavior that I mentioned above, at 07:55:38 (in greengrass.log), the deployment stops, it seems to be successsful, at 07:57:08 connections are closed and 30" later an empty deployment is launched to clean the whole thing up.

I also find extremely difficult to debug all of this because some errors seem to pop up randomly. I managed to pass this morning the "mqtt" test for example, but this afternoon, it failed while I had not changed a thing.

If someone has any explanation on these puzzling issues, I would be very grateful.

답변함 2년 전
  • Hello

    I have gone through the logs, and for the Cloud Component failure, it appears like an issue of timing. By using timeout multiplier, you can give the test run more time to succeed. I see that the test component in fact executed, but appears the test flow could not validate it before it failed.

    As far as the reliability goes, there are three aspects involved.

    The test flow, which is fixed runs a series of actions on the device and Cloud APIs, and validates expected results. This aspect can be influenced by adding time out multipler. This is because depending on the device and it's network setup, it might need more time.

    The Cloud API informs device(Greengrass) for any deployment related actions. Here, the region you are using to test the device, can play a role.

    The device with Greengrass installed on it, responds to the deployment actions, and installs and runs the components. In this aspect, the device capability and the network setup can play a role.

  • Thanks for your reply. I ran the same test with a timeout multiplier = 2 but to me it does not change anything. At 08:01:27 everything is closing down even if there still 4 minutes left by the tester for the deployment to be completed. The logs can be found here https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1e7tatn-s-cyIkHVF1NfgzjRn2GSZAQhU?usp=sharing And if it happens to be linked with the device or network capability, do you have an idea why some deployments do pass anyway? For example, in the CloudComponent test, if I understand it right, the first deployment is targeted on the thing while the second is on the group. It seems to me that the difference is minor, however the first succeeds whereas the second does not.

  • As for the region, I would ideally use eu-west-3 due to my location, but it was unavailable, can't remember the reason, so I chose eu-west-2 instead: do you think it could play a significant role ?

  • Did you manage to find any explanation on the issue?

  • Hello

    This is Rafe from IoT Greengrass team, we are still working on your case. At the meantime, can u provide us the account id you are using for the test run you listed before - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1e7tatn-s-cyIkHVF1NfgzjRn2GSZAQhU?

    We need the account id and region to check that problematic deployment context from the database.



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