Route 53 subdomain not working with CloudFront


Hi all,

I have setup a static website in S3 with HTTPS traffic routing to it via CloudFront.

Under Route 53, the website loads for A record (alias to the CloudFront distribution).

However, I cannot create an alias for A record - the CloudFront distribution alias isn't available from the list, "no resources found". I entered the CloudFront distribution value in manually.

I want all web traffic to go the single website, regardless if www is entered in the browser or not.

Create A record alias for CloudFront distribution

$ curl --head --location --dns-ipv4-addr
curl: (35) error:0A000410:SSL routines::sslv3 alert handshake failure

Thanks for any help!


질문됨 7달 전297회 조회
1개 답변
수락된 답변

To create an Alias record in Route 53 that points to your CloudFront distribution, the domain name must be included in the list of alternate domain names (CNAMEs) for the CloudFront distribution.

This can be found under the CF Distribution Settings:

    1. Click on the “Distribution Settings” button.

    2. Navigate to the “General” tab.

    3. Edit Alternate Domain Names (CNAMEs):

From the documentation

CloudFront distribution
Specify the domain name that CloudFront assigned when you created your distribution.

Your CloudFront distribution must include an alternate domain name that matches the name of the record. For example, if the name of the record is, your CloudFront distribution must include as one of the alternate domain names. For more information, see Using Alternate Domain Names (CNAMEs) in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.

Link Here

답변함 7달 전
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검토됨 7달 전
  • Thanks! All working now.

    I created a new SSL certificate and updated the CloudFront distribution with both domain names. Both A record aliases added successfully.

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