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Upstream timeout error 514 Upstream not found error 519


I created a new instance in lightsail and am trying to access the windows console to that instance but I get these two errors, one a error 514 Upstream_timeout and error 519 Upstream not found. The console works for my other instances and even got to the point on this new instance where it was showing me as admin with the loading bubble but never went through. Can any one advise why this might be happening and or help us fix the issue so we can continue our work on this new instance. I read on the forums already that it may be size of instance but its new so nothing there so dont think thats it. This error is seen by multiple people on various machines and browsers with different geographical locations so some of the other suggestions dont apply either. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

질문됨 일 년 전540회 조회
2개 답변


If for some reason sshd is not started at startup, such an error will occur.
Since it is a new instance, I think the problem can be solved by creating Lightsail again, or by creating a snapshot and having the startup script execute the following command when starting from the snapshot.

sudo ufw disable
sudo iptables -F
sudo mv /etc/hosts.deny /etc/hosts.deny_backup
sudo touch /etc/hosts.deny
sudo systemctl enable sshd
sudo systemctl restart sshd
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  • SSH "started" at startup? I appreciate the direction but I'm a little confused by your answer, I didnt have the option to run or start the SSH. Its a new instance and without being able to connect, creating a new one will be easy but my question is where can i "start" the SSH when i create the instance without using the code? I'll read up on your link as well but figured Id ask since I didnt see the SSH option to start when i created the instance


This problem seemed to fix itself! Not sure if it was a propagation issue or something similar but it allowed me to connect this morning without a problem, odd but thankful for the suggestions

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