CloudWatch get-metric-widget-image for gauges?


I was trying to get an image from my CloudWatch Dashboard of a Gauge widget that I created.

I am successfully able to download the image, but the image looks more like a line graph than a gauge. Why is that?

% aws cloudwatch get-metric-widget-image --metric-widget file://cpu_gauge.json | grep MetricWidgetImage | awk '{split($0,a,"\""); print a[4]}' | base64 --decode > cpu_gauge.png
# cpu_gauge.json

   "title":"CPU (Gauge)"


Enter image description here

This is the image that I expected to see, and is how I see it on the CloudWatch Dashboard

Enter image description here

Likewise, when I used AWS ChatBot to send the image to slack, it sent the same non-gauge result.

Enter image description here

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질문됨 4달 전255회 조회
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Currently, only "timeSeries | bar | pie" is supported from the API, and "gauge" cannot be obtained.

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답변함 4달 전
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검토됨 3달 전
  • Thank you for your answer! While this does change the image from a line graph, it expectedly changes it to a pie graph. A gauge would be ideal for me so I'm afraid this doesn't resolve my problem. Thanks anyway

  • Thank you for directing my attention to this in the docs. So gauge is not supported... how unfortunate. Thanks for the help

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