unable to run a built enclave, reporting ' [ E29 ] Ioctl failure.'


hi -

i've got a nitro-cli built enclave eif file built running on an m5.2xlarge 32G ec2 host. i have successfully run the reference hello.eif. i've had to adjust the /etc/nitro_enclaves/allocator.yaml to support 22000Mb/22Gb given our present app is larger then we'd like.

nitro-cli run fails with the following backtrace:

% nitro-cli run-enclave --cpu-count 2 --memory 22000 --enclave-cid 16 --eif-path foo.eif --debug-mode % tail -f cat /var/log/nitro_enclaves/nitro_enclaves.log … [nitro-cli:4939][INFO][2023-12-12T22:02:26.703Z][src/main.rs:63] Start Nitro CLI [nitro-cli:4939][INFO][2023-12-12T22:02:26.703Z][src/main.rs:106] Sent command: Run [enc-xxxxxxx:4941][INFO][2023-12-12T22:02:26.703Z][src/enclave_proc/mod.rs:571] Enclave process PID: 4941 [enc-xxxxxxx:4941][INFO][2023-12-12T22:02:26.704Z][src/enclave_proc/mod.rs:479] Received command: Run [enc-xxxxxxx:4941][INFO][2023-12-12T22:02:26.704Z][src/enclave_proc/mod.rs:272] Run args = RunEnclavesArgs { eif_path: “foo.eif”, enclave_cid: Some(16), memory_mib: 22000, cpu_ids: None, debug_mode: true, attach_console: false, cpu_count: Some(2), enclave_name: Some(“foo”) } [enc-xxxxxxx:4941][INFO][2023-12-12T22:02:26.704Z][src/enclave_proc/resource_manager.rs:364] Allocating memory regions to hold 23068672000 bytes. [enc-xxxxxxx:4941][INFO][2023-12-12T22:02:26.735Z][src/enclave_proc/resource_manager.rs:446] Allocated 11000 region(s): 11000 page(s) of 2 MB [enc-xxxxxxx:4941][INFO][2023-12-12T22:02:44.832Z][src/enclave_proc/resource_manager.rs:758] Enclave terminated. [enc-xxxxxxx:4941][ERROR][2023-12-12T22:02:44.834Z][src/common/mod.rs:437] [ E29 ] Ioctl failure. Such error is used as a general ioctl error and appears whenever an ioctl fails. In this case, the error backtrace provides detailed information on what specifically failed during the ioctl.

[update] reconfigured instance to m5.4xlarge and the enclave looks to start, yet the enclave hangs up

[enc-18c603a3e5e366d:4778][WARN][2023-12-12T22:52:37.785Z][src/enclave_proc/mod.rs:207] Received hang-up event from the enclave. Enclave process will shut down. [enc-18c603a3e5e366d:4778][INFO][2023-12-12T22:52:37.786Z][src/enclave_proc/mod.rs:541] Enclave process 4778 exited event loop. [enc-18c603a3e5e366d:4778][INFO][2023-12-12T22:52:37.793Z][src/enclave_proc/resource_manager.rs:758] Enclave terminated.

any/all suggestions appreciated,

  • james
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질문됨 6달 전185회 조회
1개 답변

[update] addressed by adding more memory (m5.4xlarge) ... that and we are looking to reduce the memory requirements of our application

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답변함 6달 전

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