Automating the Restoration of VMware Backups performed by AWS Backup


Currently, I am utilizing Terraform to automate the restoration of AMIs created by AWS Backups. Additionally, we have on-premises VMware VMs that are backed up using AWS Backup. While restoring EC2 instances involves locating the latest AMI and deploying a new EC2 instance from that, the same approach does not apply to VMs as there seems to be no available AMI for them.

While I am aware that using a script with the AWS Backup API through CLI or SDK is a possible approach, I am seeking a more streamlined solution. Specifically, I am interested in understanding if there is a simpler way to leverage Terraform for VM backup restoration, similar to the process used with AMIs. This would help with the overall consistency of our Disaster Recovery process.

질문됨 2년 전539회 조회
1개 답변


I researched on this but I was unable to locate any third party documents that could guide regarding any process/setup for restoring VMs via Terraform. Please note as Terraform is a third party service so we as AWS support are not trained on the same and hence do not have the required expertise to effectively address this concern.


Now, from AWS Backup end as you are already aware CLI or SDK can be used to perform the required restores but it seems this is not the most feasible alternative for you. That being said, Cloudformation is a native AWS service which provides similar features as that of Terraform, however the restore operation for AWS Backup resources is not supported via the Cloudformation stacks as of now.


지원 엔지니어
답변함 2년 전

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