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Unable to load trained model in Sagemaker


I have trained a few models in sagemaker however I am unable to load them for prediction.

I am picking model details from: Sagemaker > Inference > Models > Container 1 section: Image_uri = value in image model_data = Value in model data location

then passing these values into sagemaker Model function.

When I deploy this model, it gives error: ping health check failed for AllTraffic production variant. This error doesn't come when I train a new model and deploy it.

질문됨 2년 전641회 조회
1개 답변

The cause for issues like this are due to a mismatch between the base model between the training and inference endpoints. A solution similar to below would help resolve your issue.

Github repo : talks about how to extend the existing Hugging Face DLCs by pulling them from the public ECR and running a simple Dockerfile on top of them that will install the latest available version of transformers.

답변함 2년 전

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