Aws S3 bucket opportunity-inbound


Hi, i have uploaded a json file in opportunity-inbound folder with all required data which is enough to create a opportunity. Now , i have a query that how s3 read the opportunity-inbound folder and process the data in the file and create a opportunity and where the opportunity is created?

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질문됨 3달 전176회 조회
1개 답변
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You need to create a Data event on the S3 bucket to trigger your lambda function. Parse the Event to read the bucket and key information in the Lambda Function..


import urllib.parse

bucket = event['Records'][0]['s3']['bucket']['name']
key = urllib.parse.unquote_plus(event['Records'][0]['s3']['object']['key'], encoding='utf-8')
filename_json = key.split("-")

Your Lambda function can then create the appropiate opportunity in your partner portal.

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답변함 3달 전
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검토됨 3달 전
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검토됨 3달 전
  • Thank you sir, Could you please give some reference for the function to create opportunity

  • Afraid I do not have any reference for creating Partner oppertunties in code.. Its not something I have used. We use the partner portal currently

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