AWS Cloudformation Resource Method. No match for output mapping and no default output mapping configured.


Hello Please I need help i hget the following after deploying my API Gateway stack

Response when testing with Mock

{"message": "Internal server error"}

No match for output mapping and no default output mapping configured. Endpoint Response Status Code: 200
Sat Aug 19 05:33:52 UTC 2023 : Method completed with status: 500

I deployed my Gateway Resource Method using Cloud Formation.

    Type: AWS::ApiGateway::Method
    DeletionPolicy: Delete
      AuthorizationType: NONE 
      HttpMethod: GET 
      ResourceId: !ImportValue ExAuthResources
      RestApiId: !ImportValue ExPortedAPI
        IntegrationHttpMethod: GET 
        Type: MOCK 
          application/json: '{"statusCode": 200}'
        application/json: 'Empty'
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The issue might be related to the setup of your CloudFormation template for the API Gateway resource method. Specifically, it seems that there might be a syntax issue with your AuthPOSTMethod resource. Here's how you can address the issue:

Check IntegrationHttpMethod: Ensure that the IntegrationHttpMethod property is properly aligned under the Properties section.

Indentation and Formatting: Double-check the indentation and formatting of your CloudFormation YAML. Proper indentation is crucial to ensure that properties are correctly associated with their respective resources.

Response Configuration: Verify your response configuration, including the output mappings, response templates, and response models.

Based on the code you provided, it appears there might be a minor formatting error with the IntegrationHttpMethod property. Here's a corrected version of your CloudFormation snippet:

  Type: AWS::ApiGateway::Method
  DeletionPolicy: Delete
    AuthorizationType: NONE 
    HttpMethod: GET 
    ResourceId: !ImportValue ExAuthResources
    RestApiId: !ImportValue ExPortedAPI
      IntegrationHttpMethod: GET
      Type: MOCK 
        application/json: '{"statusCode": 200}'
      application/json: 'Empty'

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