Trying to connect to Glacier via CloudBerry. "Request was aborted"


I'm sorry if this comes out wrong. I feel I don't understand this well enough to ask it appropriately.

I have AWS Glacier storage. I am trying to access my data such that I can download and upload. I have "CloudBerry Explorer for Amazon S3" installed. I have had it for 10 years and have used it a handful of times, but not recently. I pay a bill every month

When I attempt to view my data on the what looks like an SFTP portal, I get the following error. Can someone please help?

"Operation completed with errors. Click Details for more information." Details -> "The request was aborted: Could notcreate SSL/TLS secure channel"

질문됨 4달 전182회 조회
1개 답변


I think such an error may occur if the version of CloudBerry Explorer is old.
I recommend that you try upgrading.

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