AWS Managed Grafana: Change grafana.ini feature toggles?


We're trying to change some grafana feature toggles, mainly tempoSearch and tempoBackendSearch (documented on Unfortunately I can not find a way to change any grafana.ini configuration settings, let alone these specific ones.

Are we just out of luck & unable to activate tempo search in AWS-managed grafana?

질문됨 2년 전1천회 조회
1개 답변
수락된 답변


I understand that you want to change the grafana.ini to use the Tempo Search in Amazon Managed Grafana (AMG). Unfortunately AMG doesn't support editing the grafana.ini to enable temposearch feature at this time.

You can influence the priority by raising the request on the public roadmap page [1]. Also, according to the documentation [2], FeatureToggles in Grafana is used to enable features under development or not yet available in stable version. Please note that tempoSearch [3] is currently experimental.

Hope this helps.

[1] AMG roadmap:

[2] FeatureToggles interface:

[3] Tempo Documentation:

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