Cron Rotation Bug for AWS Secret Manager



I think there is a bug with the cron rotation. As seen in my screenshots, I configured my cron job to run at 2:00pm on saturday, Cron Edit

however, it keeps showing and running the job on the following day (Sunday in this case) instead of Saturday; the timing is also showing up differently too. Thank you. Cron Config Zoom out

질문됨 2년 전636회 조회
2개 답변

The "Next rotation date" seems to indicate the time before the Secrets Manager finishes the rotation.
If the "Window duration - Options" is set to "1h", the "Next rotation date" will show the value one hour after the cron setting.
So I thought "Next rotation date" might be the time when the Secrets Manager finishes the process, not the time when the rotation starts.

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답변함 2년 전
  • That would be the case if I set my 'Windows Duration' however, I left it blank since it was optional. My configured date should start on saturday. I have checked my logs too and it did run on Sunday instead of Saturday.

  • If I set the "Window duration" to "2h" or something like that, will it still run the next day? We may need to consider setting a "window duration" as a workaround, as it may be difficult to fix the problem on our end.


The pattern looks correct, assuming that you want it to run at 2pm UTC on the first Saturday of each month.

In relation to the rotation running on Sunday instead of Saturday, can you clarify which time zone you are in? The Secrets Manager cron expression is run according to Coordinated Universal Time (+0 hours), which may be Sunday in your local time zone. For example, 2pm UTC on a Saturday is 12am Sunday in Australian Eastern Standard time.

답변함 2년 전
  • My timezone is SGT which shouldn't be an issue it should run at 10 pm my time.

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