Unable to access my nlb url (kong admin api url)


I am installing a kong hybrid mode deployment on an eks cluster. I already have another Kong cluster deployed by Kong team in a different account. After installing the control-plane, I want to access the admin api url and manager url. But although all the labels, annotations, security group , listener port ahs been mimicked from the existing kong setup, I am unable to access the admin api url. I have a listener for 443 and the vpc/subnets are allowed at the vpn level. For testing , all traffic is allowed from anywhere but while accessing the url, I get the error "The site cannot be reached". Would appreciate any pointer for moving forward

1개 답변

A few things you can check to troubleshoot accessing the Kong admin API:

  • Verify the security group and network access configuration on the Kong load balancer matches what is used in the existing setup. This includes ingress rules on the load balancer SG and route tables/network ACLs.
  • Check that the Kong pods are running successfully with kubectl get pods -n kong and the load balancer controller logs for any errors with kubectl logs -n kube-system deployment.apps/aws-load-balancer-controller
  • Confirm the Kong Ingress resource is created correctly with kubectl get ingress -n kong
  • Validate the load balancer is provisioned by checking for it in the AWS EC2 console. Its DNS name should resolve to the Kong admin API URL.
  • Test connectivity from your machine to the load balancer endpoint/URL using curl. If it fails, check firewall rules or proxy/VPN settings.
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